Page name: Bad Spellers Unite!!!! [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-01-21 20:06:39
Last author: Cloudwatcher
Owner: Cloudwatcher
# of watchers: 17
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   This is a page deticated to those bad spellers who know it and are proud! we will someday rule the world, and our extream mad skillz at spelling we allow us to comunicate through letters, with great...great...(difficulty) ^_^ I am a badspeller and all who have talked to me, know so! I cant type very well also, that dosent help! people who can spell are rediculas..AH! I dont know how to spell!!! oh, thats the point...good show all!


1. To join just put your name (the link)
2. Show your bad spellers pride!(how ever you feel is likewize)
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Wiki members : Bad Spellers Unite Members

OVER 100 MEMBERS!!!!! <'cheers'>

Clever Spellers Army for those who dont fit in here

YE the CoNfUzZeLd Club for those confuzzeld bad spelelrs^^ whatever that means....

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[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: ummm ...okie....*sits on a couch and stares off*

[Cloudwatcher]: hmpf, whatever you say O-o

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: i'm not being rude!!!!!!!!!!!!ggggggrrrr!! *puches wall in anger then looks at th huge dent in the wall* wat ever man! * storms off!!!*

[Cloudwatcher]: O______O *stares*

[F.T.F.O..ninjas never die]: ok then confused we are

[Cloudwatcher]: *comforts the wall in its time of need*

[F.T.F.O..ninjas never die]: * helps comfort* itll be ok

[Cloudwatcher]: yea! *to the wall* we wont let that meanie hurt you anymore!!

[F.T.F.O..ninjas never die]: no we wont *ask if the wall wants a muffin* itll be ok

[Cloudwatcher]:  *puts a bandaid on the wall*

[Cloudwatcher]: why did you hit the poor defencless wall??

[F.T.F.O..ninjas never die]: because it stole his cheetos

[Cloudwatcher]: thats no reason to punch it like that!

[F.T.F.O..ninjas never die]: yreah i know but thats what happen

[Cloudwatcher]: um.. that poor wall didnt do anthing!!

[F.T.F.O..ninjas never die]: yeah i know and then they had to punch it and mad it feel bad

[Cloudwatcher]: i know! as if its self seteem isnt low enough!

[Cloudwatcher]: no thanks..i dont want my brians eaten today :D

[F.T.F.O..ninjas never die]: yes you do you klnow you wanna

[Cloudwatcher]: no, not really...i need them for a test O_o;;

[F.T.F.O..ninjas never die]: oh ok well maybe later then

[Cloudwatcher]: lol i think i might need it then to :P

[F.T.F.O..ninjas never die]: no not really when you get old can i have them?

[Cloudwatcher]:   ^(._.)^ are you crazy! thats when i need them most! i need to be somewhat sain so i can yell at all the little kids on my lawn!!!!

[F.T.F.O..ninjas never die]: no you dont you can be a crazy old person and you can talk to the wall and you can talk to people that arent there lol sure if you wanna call me that lol

[Cloudwatcher]: lol i dunno, but all i do know is i dont wanna give it up quite yet thanks

[F.T.F.O..ninjas never die]: ok well when you deside to come to me first

[Cloudwatcher]: i will for sure :P

[Softcore_Kid_x]: hey how is everyone?

[Cloudwatcher]: hey, fine and yourself?

[F.T.F.O..ninjas never die]: im good what about every one else?

[Cloudwatcher]: *dances* ^(._.)^

[F.T.F.O..ninjas never die]: *falls over*

[Cloudwatcher]: :P *helps you back up*

[F.T.F.O..ninjas never die]: yay i got helpeded up* drinks some water*

[Cloudwatcher]: yes, you did, now be happy!

[F.T.F.O..ninjas never die]: ok im happy*well half of me* yup yup

[Cloudwatcher]: O.O ok

[Cloudwatcher]:  >_>  <_< O_o;

[sparda.]: goood baner colud i posibly jion this wiki

[Cloudwatcher]: yep, juts go to the members page and add your name

[sparda.]: k

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: thrry i had a bad day when i puched ur wall *apoligises to ur wall*

[Cloudwatcher]: dont say sorry to me..say sorry to the wall...

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: i did owell i apoligize again i so thrry wall! *apoligizes to wall*

[Cloudwatcher]: hug it

[sparda.]: thiss will b amusing

[Cloudwatcher]: hha

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: ...okie*hugs wall *

[sparda.]: How did u do that

[Cloudwatcher]: very carefully

[sparda.]: ic

[Cloudwatcher]: ^____^

[sparda.]: adn tis splt vrey cyrfillie

[Cloudwatcher]: *dances*

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: *dances with Kristen* yay! *then does a little happy jig!*

[sparda.]: ftw

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: wat's ftw? 0_o

[Cloudwatcher]: I dunno O-o

[sparda.]: ftw = for the win

[Cloudwatcher]: ya

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: err um okie... *keeps doing happy jig*

[Cloudwatcher]: * jams to music*

[sparda.]: im suspended =(

[Cloudwatcher]: what did you do now?

[sparda.]: it involved forgery fighting and threats

[Cloudwatcher]: wow

[sparda.]: ya

[sparda.]: o and decking this guy with a chair that was the fun part

[Cloudwatcher]: sounds fun

[sparda.]: ya well i mean he hit my friends g/f

[Cloudwatcher]: beat his ass1

[sparda.]: already did chair

[Cloudwatcher]: ^_^ good

[sparda.]: ^_^

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: good fer u! lol did his head starts bleeding when n you hit him with a chair?*asks with beaty eyes*

[sparda.]: not the first time it was 3 or 4 i was useing a plastic chair


[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: damn jk i don't like when people get hurt ...umless i hate them!!!!!!!!!!!*evil grin*

[Cloudwatcher]: lol :P

[sparda.]: twas fun ...6 days later im still suspended

[Cloudwatcher]: haha,

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: err sucks fer u...

[sparda.]: lol

[sparda.]: still suspended but going to mall

[Cloudwatcher]: O-o

[sparda.]: this owns im suspended but my mom dosent care shes like go play xbox or something

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: hehe wow so does my mom ...only she plays PS2, and she does care if i get suspended! all in all she doesn't i guess*thinks about it*

[sparda.]: *tyries to think* ow

[sushie]: whie, how do I spell pictor? :P

[sparda.]: picture i tink

[sushie]: A yeah, that was it!:):P

[Cloudwatcher]: _> <_<

[sparda.]: [] WOOO HOO

[sushie]: yeah my English is bad (bat:P)

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: so is mines... i'm trying to rite this book and when my sister corrects it she says she gets dumber each time because i have such bad grammer, english... but i go to school with all spanish people and black people and they have bad grammar so i just picked up so's not really my fault. i'm not racsist thouigh because basically all of my friennds r black and spanish.^_^

[Cloudwatcher]: lol i know what you mean, my school is similar but not so many spanish :P

[sparda.]: lol

[sushie]: whihi, I don't have this excuse:P

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: err well watta ya gonna do?!

[sushie]: huh don't understand. You mean why my Enlgish spelling is so bad?

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: no... err nvm inside joke with my friend ...thrry i 4got

[sushie]: :P

[sparda.]: in alabama its illegal to say 2 fried eggs and a himjamjimjam

[sparda.]: in kentuckey its illegal to have more than 2 dildos per household .......LMFAO omfg thats hilariuos

[sushie]: hihi :P

[sparda.]: in kansas u cant shoot any animal except a whale from your car

[CelticMoon]: In texas its Illegal to have sex with a live fish ..... so a dead 1s ok then lol

[sparda.]: lol

[sushie]: usefull :P

[sparda.]: then iguess im wanted in texas ...JK

[Cloudwatcher]:  <(._.)^

[sparda.]: t('.'t) kirby owns

[Cloudwatcher]: indeed

[Cloudwatcher]: moose!

[sparda.]: POINTY STICK!!!!

[Cloudwatcher]: DUCK!

[sparda.]: ..hmmmmmmmmmm POINTY STICK!!!!!!!!!!

[Dark Necromancer]: LLAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Cloudwatcher]: llama face!

[sparda.]: LLAMA WITH A POINTY STICK AND A DUCK RIDING A MOOSE WHO OWNS A PIGGY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

[Cloudwatcher]: sure...

[Dark Necromancer]: awesome.

[sparda.]: o ya pwnage

[Cloudwatcher]: totaly

[Cloudwatcher]: cheese?

[sparda.]: CHEESE *eats the cheese*

[Cloudwatcher]: who cut the cheese?????!

[sparda.]: sorry

[Cloudwatcher]: O_O open a window

[Dark Necromancer]: already there

[sparda.]: *throws a rock through a window*

[Cloudwatcher]: close enough O_o

[Dark Necromancer]: good enugh fur mi

[Cloudwatcher]: it better be! casue that seems its all your gunna get O_o

[sparda.]: *throws another rock at window*

[Dark Necromancer]: r u trowing rocks at me?

[Cloudwatcher]: ouch! that hit me!

[Dark Necromancer]: i didn't do it!

[Cloudwatcher]: who done it?

[F.T.F.O..ninjas never die]: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yup

[Dark Necromancer]: not mah

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: ROTFL! jeez... I love cheese! i like rocks2 though ! * picks up rock and puts in poket*!

[Nah.]: I take it you people can't spell.

[Dark Necromancer]: no we can't spel!

[Dark Necromancer]: does anyone realize that frome the title?

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: i'm retty suree it's self explanitoryu

[Cloudwatcher]: i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rsceearh at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

[Dark Necromancer]: okay, u need a professional tutor for that.

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: not really i could read what she was saying perfectly

[Dark Necromancer]: then can you translate?

[Cloudwatcher]: lol its somthing i found. I didnt type it..i thought it kinnda fit here though eh?

[Dark Necromancer]: then can one tell me what they said?

[Cloudwatcher]: "i couldnt belive that i could actualy understand what i was reading, the phonominal power of the human mind according to the reasurch at cambridge university, it doest matter in what order the letters are. the only important thing is that the fist letter is in the right place, the rest can be totaly messed up and it and you can still read it without a problem. this is beacsue the mind read the word as a whole and not individual letters. amazing huh? yeah i always thought spelling was improtant!

[Cloudwatcher]: somthing along those lines anyway...a few wrods are out of place

[Cloudwatcher]: and i cant spell so a few words are messed up from my quick translation

[Dark Necromancer]: oh, okay.

[Cloudwatcher]: do you understand now?

[CR deleted]: I saw a shirt that said: "Misspellers of the world untie!"

[Dark Necromancer]: probly. anything new with all or any of you?

[Cloudwatcher]:   ^(._.)^

[Dark Necromancer]: that's kool. can i use it occasionally?

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: not really i just confessed my love to this girl (that she already knew of but i didn't no she new) and now i'm trying to avoid her! but i'm fab fabbity fabulous how is ever1 else?!

[Cloudwatcher]: sorry to hear that..maybe she is just as shy as you are about it though O_o  i am ....tired..

[Dark Necromancer]: i liek nachos.

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: nachos sound good right bout now...thnx that's what i'm hoping!

[Dark Necromancer]: *makes nachos* NACHOS!

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: *steals a couple*

[Cloudwatcher]: yumm peanutbutter und jelly!!! *munch munch*

[Dark Necromancer]: all y'all can have some nachoes.

[Cloudwatcher]: i will eat my peanutbutter und jelly..booya!

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: *takes bite of pb&j as well ...mmmm*rubs stomache* nachos and pb&j!

[Dark Necromancer]: i like it.

[sparda.]: IM BACK

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: got it ! whassup Biches!

[Dark Necromancer]: got what?

[sparda.]: cock

[Dark Necromancer]: okay, thats gross.

[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: i don't no i just started saying that randomly 1 day... very peculiar.

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